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Access over 10,000 Historical Magic Prices!
For over a decade Martinka has hosted online auctions specializing in collectible magic. During that time we have maintained the archive containing thousands of photos, descriptions and prices. In order to continue to keep this information online, we setup an archive for members only access. As a member you will have access to all historic auction listings including the price for which each item sold. This information is very useful when assessing the value of your own items or determining how much to pay for something similar. In the listings you will find books, apparatus, autographs, photos in all price ranges.
As a member you will also be privy to special offers. We are currently working on several new products that will be offered in limited quantities and members will be offered these first.
The cost of membership is just $9.95 billed each quarter. You can join by using the paypal button below or by calling us at 201-444-7576 with a credit card number. Your account will become active within 48 hours. We do hope that you'll join us.
Current members can access the archive HERE by logging into to our auction.