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Effect: Two coins are showed, one is a US quarter and the other is a US penny, both in the palm of the left hand. You withdraw the quarter and it is placed in the pocket, when you open the hands, both coins'll be in the palm again. Then you withdraw the penny. And it's placed in your pocket and again the coin returns to the hand. Again you withdraw the penny coin, it's placed in your pocket and again the coin returns to the hand. Finally you withdraw the quarter, open the hand and there aren't any coins. The last coin has disappeared.
Made by Tango.
Also includes a link to Tangopedia, an instructional video with basic instructions for more than 50 gimmick coin routines using a variety of specialty coins such as Expanded Shell-Coins, Copper/Silver/Brass, Scotch and Soda, Pen Through Coin, Folding Coins, Okito Boxes, and more.